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Our Curriculum

Once Upon a Time Academy utilizes the Creative Curriculum in all classrooms (infant through Preschool) The Creative Curriculum is a developmentally appropriate expectations for young children. This Curriculum ut

Teachers and staff are also encouraged to use various philosophies and curriculum models within their classrooms to provide the most enriching environment for children. All teachers are required to incorporate the following elements into their program:

  • Open-ended discussions and questions with children

  • Process-oriented and hands-on projects and activities

  • Self-selected activity time (encouraging children to make their own choices and explore new areas)

  • Planned time for large group, small group and one-on-one learning activities

  • Building activities from the current interests of the children

utilizes 5 domains (Health & Physical Development; Social & Emotional Development; Language Development & Communication; Approaches to Learning; Cognition & General Knowledge). Each domain has sub-domains. Staff incorporate these domains into lesson-planning and into the classroom learning environments.

Promoting social, emotional, intellectual and physical development is our focus. The curriculum of each classroom will be age and developmentally appropriate. Reading and the study of authors; art and the study of different art forms; music and the study of various musicians and styles will add depth to each classroom’s curriculum. Children will have a writing opportunity daily to practice and develop language and writing skills. Talents, skills, and self-expression will be encouraged and recognized through performances, sharing with other classrooms, posting of children’s material on walls throughout the center, etc.

The center has no religious affiliation and provides no religious training. However, while studying diversity, social studies, geography and other cultures, activities or the curriculum may include studying holidays of various cultures. 

Room Arrangement

Each room will include:

  • Science and sensory experiences

  • Housekeeping and dramatic play areas

  • Blocks and building areas

  • Creative art areas

  • Large motor areas for music, movement and performing

  • Small manipulative areas including games, puzzles, crafting supplies

  • Math skills areas

  • Reading areas

  • Writing Areas

  • Areas to support the daily routines of eating, sleeping and group time

  • Areas for personal belongings


Once Upon a Time Academy teachers will be CPR/First Aid certified and have a fire safety training certificate as well. We expect all our teachers to have a CDA or higher. Each teacher will have an assistant teacher who will have experience and education in the Early Childhood field.This allows the teacher and teacher assistant to better accomdate themselves when they are doing lesson plans.


Once Upon a Time invites parents to be a very big part of our school community. We have been blessed with wonderful families that volunteer in classrooms, on field trips, provide donations, share family traditions, etc. We hope the our families will join in this wonderful tradition. You are always welcome!!

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